Timber Supply is a chain of companies located in Victoria, New South Wales, Australia that manufacture timber supplies and accessories. timber supply Melbourne is one of the major players in the industry. They have been trading for more than a century. The company is run by half a dozen directors who have family connections with prominent people. The company is also linked to other manufacturing firms through financing.

Timber supply Melbourne has a great number of contracts with different government departments such as Department of Health, Department of Housing and Urban Development (DHB), Department of Mines and Geelong City Council. They also deal with private clients who require specific timbers at a certain time period. Most of their products are shipped overseas; however, they ship domestic timbers in Victoria and New South Wales. Timber suppliers can source these timbers from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Timor-Leste.
Most of the timber that is used in construction purposes is grown in Australia. However, there is a shortage of timber supply in Australia at present. This is why most of the construction companies request timber from overseas countries like Indonesia, the United States and India. The timbers are transported to these places by air or by road. They need large amounts of timbers in order to finish projects on time.
Timber supply has its own place in the market. It is the largest provider of timber products in Australia. The leading company in this industry is Boral Subtotal, which is based in Melbourne. They have contracts with numerous government departments, state houses, private builders, housing associations, school boards, hospitals, schools, colleges, universities, the National Rail Commission, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and The Department of Transport and Infrastructure. They also have agreements with various other businesses like the Commonwealth Bank, Chase Bank, Credit Union and The Australian Financial Investments Group. They provide a variety of services to all customers.
Timber supply is also into the construction business. There are many companies involved in construction work that need timbers regularly. These timbers are purchased from different sources such as the wood yards, sawmills, factories, pulp mills and the Government.
Timber is also required for various domestic purposes. For example, if you want to build a shed, you will require a large quantity of wood. Timber is also required for doing renovation works in your house. For example, if you want to renovate your living room, kitchen or dining area, you may require timber sheets, balusters and slabs. Thus, you can see that Timber supply is very significant in the country.