Having a spare car key is important for several reasons. It will help prevent you from losing your keys, and it will keep you from getting locked out of your car.
Make sure you don’t lose your keys again
Having a spare car key is something that every driver should have. It can help prevent lockouts and save you headaches later. It can also be used Car key replacement Toronto to create unique settings on your vehicle.
When you lose a key, you want to be able to retrieve it as quickly as possible. This means calling a locksmith. Often, the cost to retrieve your key will be quite high. If you are able to program a new key yourself, you will save on labor. You can find the programming procedure in your owner’s manual.

If you are unable to program your own key, you may be able to get a replacement from your dealership. In this case, you will have to pay the dealership’s costs, and it could take several days. However, if you have comprehensive car insurance, your insurance company will cover the cost of retrieving your lost keys.
The benefits of having a spare car key are many. It is a good idea to have at least one key in your wallet, bag or purse. You can even have a duplicate made at your local hardware store.
Prevent car lockouts
Having a spare car key can help you prevent car lockouts. It is a very good idea to have a spare key on hand for emergencies, and even to have multiple copies of keys in case one gets lost.
The most common reason for car lockouts is losing or misplacing your key. This can happen no matter how careful you are. The best strategy is to calmly look for someone who can help you. You can ask a trusted friend to bring you a spare key. Alternatively, you can call a locksmith for assistance.
Having a spare car key is particularly important in the winter. This is when freezing temperatures can lead to the locks on your doors freezing. You can lubricate the locks to avoid this.
If you leave your keys in your car, it is a good idea to keep them in a convenient place so you can easily find them. You can either fasten them to your belt loop or use a carabiner. Alternatively, you can attach them to a bright key chain.